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Metropolitan Police Department's Translated Documents

Under the Language Access Act, covered entities with major public contact must provide translations of their vital documents, which are written materials intended for the public. A document is considered vital if it contains information that is critical to accessing a covered entity’s services, or if conveying the information is required by law. As a covered entity, the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) provides translations of its vital documents in all of its threshold languages (i.e., languages that are spoken by three percent of the total constituent population or 500 individuals, whichever is less). Examples of vital documents are: complaint, consent, release, or waiver forms; notices of rights, requirements, or responsibilities; and notices regarding the availability of free language assistance services. The following documents seek to provide the public with ease of access to a number of vital documents translated in the following six languages: Amharic, Chinese, French, Korean, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

Victim Assistance

Keeping Yourself Safe with Protection Orders

How to File a Citizen Complaint

How to File a Commendation

Tip Line Reference Card

Immigration Policy Fliers

Burglary Prevention Brochure

Guarding Against Robbery and Assault Brochure

Sexual Assault Brochure

Construction Safety Brochure

Robbery Alert: Be Aware of Your Surroundings

For Your Safety: Protecting Your Vehicle

Evento Tirador Activo - Active Shooter Guide (Spanish)