Pursuant to requirements in the Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Support Act of 2022, MPD is providing the following information related to its staffing and budget.
An annual listing of all full-time equivalents at MPD (also known as a Schedule A), in spreadsheet format, including the fields below. The spreadsheet is provided by the Office of the Chief Financial Officer.
(i)Position number;
(ii) Position title;
(iii) Whether the position is funded or unfunded:
(iv) Whether the position is filled or vacant;
(v) Program;
(vi) Activity;
(vii) Salary; and
(viii) Fringe benefits; and
- Excel Document Titled "FY25 Schedule A"
- Excel Document Titled "FY24 YTD Schedule A"
An annual report on MPD’s overtime
- Fiscal Year 2024 Overtime Report
(NOTE: OT report will be posted after the close of FY24)
- The approved, revised, and actual MPD budgets for the prior 5 fiscal years and the current fiscal year, the expenditures for those years, and the proposed MPD budget for the next fiscal year, in spread-sheet format, broken down, at a minimum, by program, activity, comptroller source group, fund source, and service level. The Office of the Chief Financial Officer is preparing this report, and it will be posted as soon as it is provided.
- Total proposed budget for hiring
Personnel $16,314,507
- Gross and net number of personnel MPD anticipates the proposed budget will allow it to hire, broken down by civilian employees, cadets, cadet conversion recruits, non-cadet conversion recruits, officers, and senior police officers.
Sworn Civilian Cadet Total Authorized for FY25 4,000 741 150 4,891 Not funded
630 Projected Start of FY25:
3,352 706 122 4,180 Add: New Recruits (non-cadets)
216 216 Add: New Recruits (cadet conversion)
40 40 Add: Senior Law Enforcement Officers (SLEOs) 20 20 Add: New CSA Program 45 45 Add: Customer Service Reps 30 30 Add: RTCC analysts 10 10 Add: JPC Cell Block Technicians 9 9 Add: Drone Pilots
Add: Background Investigators (Recruiting)
3 3 Add: Helicopter pilots
2 2 Add: CCTV Engineers
2 2 Add: Backfills
25 88 113
Less: Retirement
Less: Other Separations
-95 -20 -214 Less: SLEO Separations
-40 -40 Less: Cadet Conversions to Recruits -40 -40 Projected End FY25
3,370 741 150 4,261
- Gross and net number of personnel MPD anticipates the proposed budget will allow it to hire, broken down by civilian employees, cadets, cadet conversion recruits, non-cadet conversion recruits, officers, and senior police officers.
- Any proposed actual or paper changes to MPD’s internal organization.
The Mayor’s proposed Local budget did not include any substantial changes to the organizational structure.