The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) is constantly working to build stronger relationships with community members. We partner with other agencies to develop professional ties. We collaborate with community members at the monthly PSA police community meetings, as well as through numerous community outreach programs. And we reach out to the city's youth through a variety of specialized programs. All of the actions make one thing clear—the MPD and the community are working together to make the District of Columbia a safer place to live, work, and play.
- Community Affairs
- Community Engagement Academy
- Community Outreach
- Keeping Yourself Safe with Protection Orders
- Partnerships with Other Agencies
- Police Initiatives
- Special Liaison Branch
- Training Partnerships
- Victim Assistance
- Youth Outreach
Work for Us
Be an Active Partner
- Anonymous Tip and Hotlines
- Online Crime Reporting Tool
- CameraConnect DC
- Crime Solvers
- DC Police Alert
- Capital Watch: Guide to Reporting Suspicious Activity
Make MPD Part of Your Social Network
- You can help spread the word about MPD activities with your family, friends, and others in your social networks by following MPD's Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube accounts.
Join an MPD Email Discussion Group
- The online email list discussion groups are designed to attract area residents, employees, students, business owners, elected officials, and government agency representatives interested in coming together to solve problems and share public safety-related information that will improve the quality of life in each police district. Get more information and register to participate in MPD's Email List Groups.