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Metropolitan Police Department Operational Adjustments During COVID-19

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) takes pride in professionally responding to crisis situations, and we will continue to do so throughout the current public health emergency. This is a constantly evolving situation that requires MPD to do our part to limit exposure without interrupting the high level of service provided to our community. It is necessary that MPD maintains a healthy workforce so that we may continue providing emergency services when called upon. We have identified certain operational measures that can be temporarily modified for the community and our members.

It is important to note that MPD facilities remain open at this time, but to mitigate potential exposure to and spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), operational adjustments have been implemented and will continue to expand as required. Additionally, if calling for police services and you are experiencing flu-like or COVID-19 symptoms, including fever, cough, and shortness of breath, callers should notify the dispatcher so first responders may take appropriate safety precautions upon their arrival.

The following operational adjustments are in place at MPD:

Calls for Service

  • During calls for service and interactions, officers will ask to speak with complainants outdoors when possible. We will try to maintain a distance that is consistent with public health official recommendations and ask for the public’s cooperation.
  • Following the DC Superior Court order restricting court operations, MPD has expanded criteria that district stations will use to determine which arrestees will be released on citation pending a future court date instead of being held for presentment to court the next court day.
  • Due to suspension of certain services within the Department of Motor Vehicles Officers, officers will issue warning notices of infractions only for expired DC issued vehicle registration and for expired licenses/permits that expire on March 1, 2020 or after.
  • We are encouraging citizens to submit written statements to officers and detectives through email. Officers will ensure citizens are provided with an appropriate email address and they will confirm receipt of all communications.  

Community Interactions

Filing & Obtaining Police Reports

  • Consider filing a police report online. MPD maintains an online reporting tool for non-emergency incidents that can be accessed by visiting In the event of an emergency, citizens should dial 9-1-1. Additionally, citizens should call 3-1-1 to request assistance with city services and information 24 hours a day.
  • 9-1-1 and 3-1-1 calls processed by the Telephone Reporting Unit have expanded. To reduce confusion, users who file an online report should not also report an emergency or non-emergency incident for the same report with the Telephone Reporting Unit (TRU).
    • For an incident to qualify for a TRU report, the incident must not be a violent crime, involve an intra-family incident or offense, involve a weapon, or involve serious injuries. A TRU report shall not be used when a suspect is on the scene or in the immediate vicinity at the time of the initial 9-1-1 call. If circumstances warrant police response at any time during the initial call interview, the call-taker will dispatch an officer to the scene.
    • The following incidents are eligible for TRU reports:
      • Animal bites
      • Credit card fraud
      • Damage to property *
      • Defacing public or private property
      • Destruction of property *
      • Fraud
      • Hit & Run
      • Identity Theft
      • Injury report
      • Lost property and lost tags *
      • Miscellaneous/Additional Information
      • Shoplifting
      • Sick/Injured Person
      • Simple Assault
      • Stolen Autos, Bicycles or Tags
      • Taking property without right
      • Theft 1 & 2 *
      • Theft from Auto *
      • Threats to do bodily harm/misdemeanor threats
        Note – * indicates incidents that are eligible for the online reporting tool
  • All requests to obtain police reports or accident reports should be made by email, phone or mail ONLY from MPD’s Public Documents Unit. While MPD facilities remain open at this time, we request that citizens use one of the alternative options.
    • Email requests should be submitted to [email protected] and should include as much of the following information:
      • Full name
      • Date, time and location of the incident or accident
      • Six digit report number (CCN)
    • Phone requests should be made to MPD’s Public Documents Unit at 202-727-4357.
    • Mail requests should include a self-addressed stamped envelope and be mailed to MPD’s Public Documents Unit at:
      Metropolitan Police Department

Public Documents Unit

ATTN: Accident/Incident Reports

300 Indiana Avenue NW, Room 3075

Washington, DC 20001

Any service not mentioned in this release will be handled as usual until further notice. 

The safety and well-being of our members and residents remain a top priority of the Department. As we continue working to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, we ask for your patience, understanding, and cooperation.

For the latest information on the District Government’s response to COVID-19, please visit