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Cell Phone Donations for Victims of Domestic Violence

The Metropolitan Police Department has collaborated with the DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence to restart its cell phone collection program which provides gently-used cell phones to victims of domestic violence.

Cell Phone Collection

Collection sites are in every district and substation. Individuals may drop off their used and unwanted cell phones (and chargers/batteries, if you have them) in the designated boxes.

The DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence handles all tax deduction requests. Individuals requesting to receive a tax deduction for their contribution may either mail them directly to the DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence, drop them off at any police district, or contact the Victim Services Branch to schedule a time to drop off your phones with a Victim Specialist at the Metropolitan Police Department Headquarters location.

Distribution of Donated Cell Phones

The DC Coalition for Domestic Violence cleans the donated cell phones and programs them for 911 calls only. The phones are then given to victims of domestic violence. These phones may be a valuable tool to those victims who do not have access to a telephone either a landline or cellular by connecting him/her to emergency services when needed. 

Program Information

For more information on the cell phone donation program, contact:

Beyshinah Woods
Victim Specialist
Metropolitan Police Department
Victim Services Branch
(202) 727-6006
[email protected]

DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence
1101 14th Street, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20005

Cell Phone Donation Sites

Any MPD Police District or Substation

MPD Headquarters

Metropolitan Police Department
Victim Services Branch
441 4th Street, NW
Washington, DC

Beyshinah Woods
(202) 727-6006
[email protected]

Domestic Violence Intake Center, United Medical Hospital

1328 Southern Ave., SE, Room 311
Enter through emergency room (or the side of the emergency room)

Domestic Violence Intake Center, DC Superior Court 

500 Indiana Ave., NW, 4th Floor

DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence

1101 14th Street, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20005

Maria Guillory
[email protected]