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Domestic Violence Unit

The Metropolitan Police Department has a variety of resources available to help you or a loved one address any domestic violence concerns that you may encounter. MPD members and volunteers in the following these sections are available to help District residents looking for support or protection related to domestic violence.

MPD Domestic Violence Unit

The Domestic Violence Unit serves as a liaison among the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), the US Attorney's Office, other law enforcement agencies, victim service agencies, victim advocates and the community in the Washington, DC area. The unit conducts ongoing community outreach and education, provides ongoing training for the members of MPD, and monitors the activities of the District Domestic Violence Investigators and District Patrol Officers. The unit has direct supervision of the Domestic Violence Intake Center Officers and their investigations. The Domestic Violence Unit is part of the MPD's Investigative Services Bureau, Criminal Investigations Division, Special Investigations Branch.

Domestic Violence Unit
441 4th Street, NW
5th Floor
Washington, DC
Phone: (202) 727-7137
Fax: (202) 727-6491

MPD Domestic Violence Liaison Program (DVL)

MPD's Domestic Violence Liaison Program is a volunteer program designed to support the agency’s collective response to domestic violence incidents. The primary objective of the DVL is to foster collaboration between MPD’s dedicated volunteers and devoted patrol officers, and create a co-response team specifically dedicated to handling intrafamily – particularly domestic violence-related – calls for service. Members of the DVL are extensively trained to provide all victims and witnesses of domestic violence with a wide range of information and resources from across the District of Columbia, make required notifications to DC SAFE when appropriate, and facilitate referrals and communication as needed to ensure victims are connected to services as quickly as possible. To maximize the effectiveness of the program, DVLs will be assigned to PSAs with a high volume of domestic violence calls for service. 


Additional Domestic Violence Information

The following information is part of a series funded by the MPD under a grant from the Violence Against Women Grants Office, US Department of Justice. It was written with the help of individuals working at My Sister's Place, a shelter offering a 24-hour hotline and counseling for battered women and their children: