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2024 NATO Summit FAQ Guide

The Metropolitan Police Department offers the following personal safety tips to help protect you.

Why is the United States Secret Service involved?

The NATO Summit is designated a National Special Security Event (NSSE), and as part of the NSSE structure, the United States Secret Service is the lead agency for the design and implementation of a security plan.  


What is a security perimeter? 

A security perimeter is a multi-layered buffer surrounding a protected venue that is of sufficient size to mitigate a variety of threats. The perimeter typically includes law enforcement officers, physical barriers, and vehicle and pedestrian screening checkpoints. 


What is the 2024 NATO Summit security perimeter map, and when will security restrictions begin? 

The operational security plan for the 2024 NATO Summit is complete. A comprehensive public impact map of the area affected by the operational security plan is available here. 

Street impacts in areas around the Washington Convention Center, Carnegie Library and Mount Vernon Square will begin on Saturday, July 6, at 8 a.m. and be fully in place the morning of Wednesday, July, 10. They are expected to end in the evening of Thursday July 11 and removal of security infrastructure will begin in the early morning hours of Friday July, 12.  

Street impacts around the Mellon Auditorium will begin on the evening of Monday, July 8, and be fully in place the morning of Tuesday, July 9 at 8 a.m. They are expected to end in the late evening of July 9. 

There will be additional security measures around the White House Complex on Monday, July 7 at 8 p.m. This will include additional street closures and parking restrictions in the area. The restrictions are expected to end in the late evening of July 10th. 

The security perimeters are outlined in the public security map. There will be a Vehicle Screening Perimeter, which is shaded in blue on the public security map, and a Pedestrian Restricted Perimeter, which is shaded in red on the public security map. 

Prior to these security restrictions being in place, the public may notice security barrier and fencing being installed in the area. Sidewalks and limited lane impacts may occur during this time to facilitate those installations. The public should also expect parking restrictions.  

The Vehicle Screening Perimeter will be generally accessible to everyone. Pedestrians and non-motorized bicycles will be able to freely enter the Vehicle Screening Perimeter, while vehicles must enter through a vehicle screening point, which are marked as black circles on the map. Rideshares, taxis, and hot food delivery can continue as usual; drivers will just need to enter through the marked vehicle screening points. 

The Pedestrian Restricted Perimeter is restricted to individuals with a documented need to enter, such as credentialed Summit attendees and staff. Non-credentialed pedestrians must enter through specific pedestrian checkpoints to access certain commercial and retail businesses and will be subject to screening by security. 


Which streets will be closed and when?  

From Saturday, July 6, 2024, through Friday, July 12, 2024, there will be numerous impacts to vehicular traffic, pedestrians, and public transportation in the area of the Washington Convention Center, Mellon Auditorium, and The White House. Please plan accordingly and expect delays throughout the week. 

Note: The National Museum of American History and the National Museum of African American History and Culture will remain open during normal business hours.  

All businesses in the International Trade Center Food Court will be closed on July 9, 2024 and the building will be closed to general public. 


I live within the perimeter – how do I access my home? 

Those who live in the Vehicle Screening Perimeter will be able to access their home as normal, although ID verification may be required. If driving a personal vehicle, they will just need to enter the perimeter through a vehicle screening point, which are marked as black circles on the public security map. All affected residents are encouraged to review the public security map so they understand how these security measures could affect them and can plan accordingly. 


Will mail delivery and trash pick-up be able to get through the perimeter? 

Trash services, mail, and package delivery will continue for all locations in both the Pedestrian and Vehicle Screening Perimeters, though services will shift slightly to occur overnight or in the early morning hours and must be screened through at the Remote Delivery/Commercial Vehicle Screening Site prior to entering the perimeters. 


I work in one of the security perimeters – how will I access my workplace? 

Those who work in the Vehicle Screening Perimeter will be able to access their workplace as normal. If driving a personal vehicle, they will just need to enter the perimeter through a vehicle screening point, which are marked as black circles on the public security map. 

At the Washington Convention Center, with limited exception, businesses within the Pedestrian Restricted Perimeter will be able to operate as normal and received customers, however in some cases employees and customers may be required to undergo security screening prior to entering the area.  

At the Mellon Auditorium/International Trade Center, businesses within the Pedestrian Restricted Perimeter will not be accessible during the closure period. 

If you work for a business that falls within the Pedestrian Restricted Perimeter at either venue, we recommend reaching out to your employer for further information. 


I operate a business in the area and am concerned that if my business falls within the perimeter, it will discourage customers from coming in. What should I do? 

We encourage affected business owners to proactively share the public safety map with their customers to allow for advance planning. As a business owner, we appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to develop a plan that minimizes disruptions while still creating a safe and secure environment for all.  


Will I be able to drive to within the perimeters? 

All personal vehicles will be able to enter the Vehicle Screening Perimeter, you will just need to enter through a vehicle screening point, which are marked as black circles on the public security map. 

All residents and visitors are encouraged to review the public security map so they understand how these security measures could affect them and can plan accordingly. 


Are bicycles or small scooters permitted within the perimeters? 

Non-motorized bicycles and small scooters will be permitted to enter the Vehicle Screening Perimeter and are generally not required to enter though a vehicle screening point. Bicycles and small scooters will not be able to enter the Pedestrian Restricted Perimeter. Please obey local law enforcement and city codes with regards to the use or disuse of bicycles on the sidewalk. 


Will taxis, rideshares or hot food delivery (Meals on Wheels, DoorDash, etc.) be possible in the perimeters? 

Taxis, rideshares and hot food delivery will be permitted in the Vehicle Screening Perimeter, drivers will just need to enter through a vehicle screening point, which are marked as black circles on the public security map.  

Taxis, rideshares and hot food delivery will generally not be allowed to enter the Pedestrian Restricted Perimeter.  


What are the security guidelines for delivery trucks? 

All deliveries entering either security perimeter must go through the Remote Delivery/Commercial Vehicle Screening Site located at New York Avenue NW and 6th Street NW. The Remote Delivery/Commercial Vehicle Screening Site will be open starting Wednesday, July 10 at 6 a.m. and continue operations until the conclusion of the event on Thursday, July 11 at approximately 7:30 p.m. Transportation Vans equipped with a wheelchair lift/ramp will not need to go through the Remote Delivery Site for processing. The previous info is for the Washington Convention Center site only. 

Upon completion of the screening process, all delivery vehicles will be sealed and will proceed directly to the vehicle screening point at 10th Street NW or 7th Street NW at O Street NW depending on the area where access is required for delivery. If vehicles arrive at the checkpoint with a broken seal, they will be required to return to the Remote Delivery/Commercial Vehicle Screening Site to be re-screened. After a seal check and any additional security sweeps deemed necessary by checkpoint personnel, the driver will be escorted by law enforcement and permitted to proceed to their respective delivery location. 


How bad is traffic going to be? 

An event of this size may cause disruptions to the city. The United States Secret Service, working with its law enforcement and public safety partners, makes every effort to anticipate and minimize any disruptions while still creating a safe and secure environment for all. 


Will there be any flight restrictions? 

There will be Temporary Flight Restrictions in the Washington D.C. area leading up to, and during, the Summit. These will include unmanned aerial systems, or drones. Additional details on flight restrictions will be available from the Federal Aviation Administration. Commercial airline flights should not be impacted. 


Where will parking restrictions be in affect? 

Residents and visitors should expect parking restrictions in/around downtown the affected areas.  


How will the D.C. Metro Transit System be affected? 

Metrobus, Metrorail, and MetroAccess services will also be impacted in the area around the Washington Convention Center. MetroAccess will run normal service; however, customers may not be able to reach their final destination due to road closures. MetroAccess will work with customers to get as close to the destination as possible.Customers who use stations or bus routes in this area should allow additional travel time to account for detours and delays.  


How will guests get to hotels within the Secret Service secure perimeters?

All hotels have and continue to be communicated with independently on security procedures and guests should contact their hotel for more information. Guests arriving via private automobile or rental must be screened at the vehicle checkpoint. Guests must show law enforcement evidence of a hotel reservation. Hotel valet is authorized to park private vehicles in respective hotel garage.  


What items are not allowed in the NATO Summit security footprint? 

Within all public areas of the security footprint, possession of the following items is prohibited during the dates of the NATO Summit: 

  1. Lumber larger than 2 inches in width and 0.25 inches thick, including supports for signs. 
  2. Metal, plastic, or other hard material larger than 0.75 inches thick and 0.0125 inches in wall thickness, including pipe and tubing. 
  3. Any air rifle, air pistol, paintball gun, blasting cap, cestus or other combat glove, billy club, blackjack, sword, saber, hatchet, axe, slingshot, BB gun, pellet gun, wrist shot or wrist rocket, metal knuckles, nunchucks, iron buckle, axe handle, shovel, or other instrument potentially used to cause damage to persons or property. 
  4. Any dangerous ordnance, weapon, or firearm that is prohibited by the laws of the state of Wisconsin under ss. 941.26, 941.28 and 941.298, Wis. Stats. 
  5. Any explosive, explosive device, or incendiary device. 
  6. Any firework or rocket. 
  7. Any drone or other unmanned aircraft system or device. 
  8. Any containers of bodily fluid or waste. 
  9. Any containers of flammable liquid. 
  10. Any aerosol can. 
  11. Any mace, pepper spray, OC spray or other chemical irritant. 
  12. Any umbrella with a metal tip. 
  13. Any projectile launcher, such as a slingshot, wrist rockets, water gun or water cannon. 
  14. Any adhesive or any rope, chain, cable, strapping, wire, string, line, tape or similar material in a length greater than 6 inches. 
  15. Any glass bottle, ornament, light bulb, ceramic vessel or other frangible or brittle container, regardless of whether the container holds any substance. 
  16. Any lock, including, without limitation, any padlock, bicycle locking device, chain lock or similar device, but not including: 
    1. Any integral component of a conveyance or structure. 
    2. Any lock when utilized by the owner of private real property to secure temporary or permanent fencing. 
    3. Any lock attached to a bicycle. 
  17. Any tent or other shelter, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, mattress, cot, hammock, bivy sack or stove. 
  18. Any cooler or ice chest. 
  19. Any backpack or bag exceeding the dimensions of 18 inches by 13 inches by 7 inches. 
  20. Any laser. 
  21. Any non-plastic container, bottle, can or thermos. 
  22. Any ladder. 
  23. Any grappling hook, sledgehammer, hammer, crowbar or prybars. 
  24. Any canned goods. 
  25. Any tennis balls or other similarly sized balls. 
  26. Any gas mask or similar device designed to filter all air breathed by the wearer in an attempt to protect the respiratory tract or face against irritating or noxious gasses or other materials. This prohibition shall not apply to law enforcement and emergency personnel acting in their official capacities, any person wearing a medical oxygen mask that fits over the person’s nose and mouth to provide oxygen from an oxygen tank to that person, or any cloth, N95/KN95 or surgical mask used as personal protection equipment to avoid transmission of viral infection. 
  27. Any other item determined by the chief of police to be a clear and present danger to the safety of others. 


Once the Summit is over, when will barricades be removed?

Once the Summit concludes on Thursday, July 11, the security infrastructure will be removed as quickly as possible. The public should expect temporary street impacts as security infrastructure is removed. It is anticipated that removal of Washington Convention Center security infrastructure will begin in the early morning hours of Friday July, 12.