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Stop Data

Friday, October 11, 2024

In July 2019, the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) and the Department of Motor Vehicles launched new data systems and related policy and training to allow the collection of more data in discrete fields and enable greater data analysis of police stops. Transparency around this information is critically important to public trust. MPD is committed to ensuring that each police stop meets its high standards for fair and constitutional policing and demonstrates respect for the individual stopped.

In October 2022, several fields were added to the full dataset to provide additional clarity for differentiating between Notices of Infraction (aka tickets) issued to bicyclists, pedestrians, vehicle drivers, or boat operators, and stops of an investigative nature where a full police report is written. 

As you review this data, we ask readers to recognize there are limits to what questions can be answered with just this data set.

Stop Data

MPD’s stop data is now posted directly to the Office of the Chief Technology Officer’s (OCTO) Open Data page. Use the links below or search “Stop Data” from the search box on The  2010-2017 and July 22, 2019-December 31, 2022 datasets are static. The dataset beginning with January 1, 2023 is updated on a biannual basis.

Stop Data Reports

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