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Bowser Administration Announces Celebration Plan for Washington Nationals Championship Parade

Thursday, October 31, 2019
Fans Encouraged to Use Public Transit, Sign Up for Text Alerts from the District

(Washington, DC) – The #SportsCapital is having a parade to celebrate the Washington Nationals World Series victory! To ensure the celebration is a safe and enjoyable experience for all, the Bowser Administration has coordinated service and logistical operations across multiple District agencies, with updates and modifications listed below.

The Washington Nationals Championship Parade is scheduled for 2 pm on Saturday, November 2.

The parade will begin on Constitution Avenue NW at 15th Street NW, proceed east along Constitution Avenue NW, and end on Pennsylvania Avenue NW at 3rd Street NW with a team rally.

Fans attending the parade are encouraged to:

  • Take public transportation or rideshare as parking is extremely limited near the parade route;
  • Bring plenty of water;
  • Sign up for text alerts to receive safety, transit, and weather updates from the District by texting “NATS” to 888-777.

Fans should visit for updated information on road closures, parking restrictions, and available public transportation options.

Public Transit

In order to accommodate the tens of thousands of fans expected to turn out for the Nationals’ World Series Championship Parade, Metro has cancelled all previously scheduled track work on Saturday. The system will run extra trains before and after the parade and frequent service on all lines. In Downtown DC, trains will arrive every 3-4 minutes, with departures from end-of-line stations every 6-12 minutes. Metro will have additional trains on standby to accommodate expected ridership. Additional Metro Transit Police officers, rail and bus supervisors, and support staff will be on hand to assist fans.

Stations closest to the parade route (Federal Triangle, Archives, Judiciary Square) can be expected to be very crowded, and for your safety, trains may bypass stations during crowding conditions. Fans are encouraged to consider using Metro Center, Gallery Place, or Union Station as alternates. All three alternate stations are a short (less than 10 minute) walk from the Parade route. To view the Parade from the south side of the route, exit at Smithsonian, L’Enfant Plaza, or Federal Center SW, and then walk north across the National Mall.

All Metrobus routes that travel to, near, or across the National Mall may be subject to detours or delays as a result of road closures. Follow @metrobusinfo or sign up for MetroAlerts email/text messages for updates. Bus customers traveling across the National Mall should use Metrorail instead.

Public Safety Information:

  • Public safety alerts – residents and visitors attending the Parade are encouraged to sign up for text alerts to receive safety, transit, and weather updates from the District. Signing up is simple and free – visit
  • See something, say something – the public is the District’s first line of defense in an emergency. If you see suspicious activity, report it to the Metropolitan Police Department by calling (202) 727-9099, texting 50411, or through iWATCH:

Parking Restrictions

The following roadway will be closed and parking restricted beginning at 9:30 am on Friday, November 1, 2019 and continue through 7 pm on Saturday, November 2, 2019:

  • Pennsylvania Ave. NW between Constitution Ave. NW & 3rd St. NW

Parking will be restricted on the following roadways beginning at 6:30 pm on Friday, November 1, 2019 and remain in effect until 7 pm on Saturday, November 2, 2019:

  • Constitution Ave. NW between 15th St. NW & 3rd St. NW
  • Pennsylvania Ave. NW between 12th St. NW & 3rd St. NW
  • 15th St. NW between Constitution Ave. NW & E St. NW
  • Pennsylvania Ave. NW between 14th St. NW & 15th St. NW
  • 14th St. NW between Constitution Ave. NW & Independence Ave. SW
  • 7th St. NW between Pennsylvania Ave. NW & Independence Ave. SW
  • 6th St. NW between Pennsylvania Ave. NW & Constitution Ave. NW
  • 4th St. NW between Constitution Ave. NW & Independence Ave. SW
  • 3rd St. NW between D St. NW & Independence Ave. SW

The public should expect parking restrictions in the area and should be guided by the posted emergency no parking signage. All vehicles that are parked in the area and in violation of the emergency no parking signs will be ticketed and towed. These vehicles will be relocated to legal spaces. Motorists whose vehicles are towed should call (202) 541-6083.

All street closures and listed times are subject to change based upon prevailing or unexpected conditions. Motorists will encounter delays if operating in the vicinity of this event and may wish to consider alternative routes. The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) and the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) also wish to remind motorists in the vicinity of this event to proceed with caution as increased pedestrian traffic can be anticipated.

Traffic Restrictions:

The following roadways will be closed beginning at 8 pm on Friday, November 1, 2019 until 7 pm on Saturday, November 2, 2019:

  • 15th St. NW between Constitution Ave. NW & E St. NW
  • Constitution Ave. NW between 3rd St. NW & 6th St. NW
  • Pennsylvania Ave. NW between East crossover & 6th St. NW
  • Pennsylvania Ave. NW between 14th St. NW & 15th St. NW
  • 3rd St. NW between Constitution Ave. NW & Madison Dr. NW

The following roadways will be closed from 9 am until 6 pm on Saturday, November 2, 2019:

  • Constitution Ave. NW between 17th St. NW & 6th St. NW
  • Pennsylvania Ave. NW between 15th St. NW & 6th St. NW
  • 15th St. NW between New York Ave. NW & Independence Ave. SW*
  • 14th St. NW between New York Ave. NW & Independence Ave. SW*
  • 13th St. NW between H St. NW & Pennsylvania Ave. NW*
  • 12th St. NW between E St. NW & Constitution Ave. NW
  • 11th St. NW between E St. NW & Pennsylvania Ave. NW
  • 10th St. NW between E St. NW & Constitution Ave. NW
  • 9th St. NW between E St. NW & Constitution Ave. NW to include the 9th St. Tunnel
  • 7th St. NW between E St. NW & Independence Ave. SW
  • 6th St. NW between Indiana Ave. NW & Constitution Ave. NW
  • 4th St. NW between Pennsylvania Ave. NW & Independence Ave. SW
  • 3rd St. NW between D St. NW & Independence Ave. SW
  • Maryland Ave. SW between 3rd St. SW & Independence Ave. SW
  • Inbound 12th ramp from Virginia to DC
  • 12th St. ramp from Independence Ave. SW (no traffic allowed into 12th St. Tunnel)
  • Inbound 14th St. Bridge (all traffic will go eastbound on I-695/I-395)
  • Inbound 14th St. HOV (all traffic will be sent eastbound on I-695/ I-395)
  • Westbound I-395 exit to 12th St. Tunnel (No access to tunnel)

* Local traffic will be permitted to travel south to E St. NW and northbound traffic will be allowed to travel north from E St. NW