Officer Killed in the Line of Duty
Date of Death: June 3, 1996
Rank: Officer
Location of Death: 9th Street tunnel, SW
On May 25, 1996, 35-year-old Officer Anthony W. Simms, a 10-year veteran of the MPDC was conducting traffic in the 9th Street tunnel, SW.
Officer Simms was in the process of entering his cruiser when he was struck by a truck. The truck was traveling southbound in the 9th Street tunnel at a high rate of speed, struck Officer Simms and the vehicle parked behind Officer Simm's patrol car.
Officer Simms was transported to Prince George's County Community Hospital and admitted in serious condition. He succumbed to his injuries at 6 pm on June 3, 1996.
View additional information about the Anthony W. Simms Tunnel Designation Act of 2000.
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