The Homeland Security Bureau integrates intelligence and operational functions to ensure that the District is well protected and that the government works to prevent and is prepared to respond to threats and critical incidents. The division also works directly to support patrol operations to reduce crime and fear of crime with specialized patrol and tactical resources, and works constantly to improve information-sharing, process relevant information, and provide actionable intelligence to relevant personnel.
This Homeland Security Bureau contains the following subdivisions:
- Special Operations Division: provides specialized patrol, tactical, rescue, and security services to the public, businesses, and government in the District
- Joint Strategic & Tactical Analysis Command Center: supports District functions in keeping both the command staff and the community aware, by sending out crime alerts that give timely information about offenses occurring within neighborhoods, and coordinates with the Washington Regional Threat Analysis Center and the Capitol Police; provides research and analytical services to support innovative policing operations and public safety practices
Homeland Security Bureau
Assistant Chief Leslie Parsons
441 4th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 727-9659
Fax: (202) 727-3896