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Sexual Assault Facts and Figures

Although there are precautions you should take to help prevent a sexual assault, it is important to remember that you are not at fault if you have been a If you have been sexually assaulted. Don't be afraid to let the authorities know what happened so the offender can't commit the same offense against another person. For a complete list of resources for victims of sexual assaults, see Sexual Assault Resources.

  • Seven in 10 adult rapes and sexual assault victims know their attacker prior to the assault.
    Rennison 2000.
  • Only 28% (estimated) of rape/sexual assault victimizations are reported to law enforcement officials.
    Rennison 2000.
  • One in four girls, and one in six boys will be sexually assaulted by the age of 18.
    FinKelhor, et. al., 1990.
  • 38% of acquaintance rape victims are 14-17 years old.
    Warshaw, 1988.
  • 90% of rape victims under age 13 knew their attacker.
    Sex Offenses and Offenders, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1997
  • Persons with disabilities are at 1.5 to 5 times the risk of sexual abuse and assault as are members of the general population. Sobey, Violence and Abuse in the Lives of People with Disabilities, 1994.
  • Among developmentally disabled adults, as many as 83% of the women and 32% of the men have been victims of sexual assault.
    Sobey, Violence and Abuse in the Lives of People with Disabilities, 1994.
  • Of older women (age range of 55-87) who were rape victims 79% were attacked by strangers.
    Sexual Assault of the Elderly Victim. “Journal of Interpersonal Violence”, 3/1992.
  • Males were 30% more likely to be victims of violent crimes in general, but females were 14 times more likely to be victims of rape or sexual assault.
    Rennison, Criminal Victimization, 1998, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1998.
  • The annual cost of sexual violence is approximately $127 billion.
    Miller, et. al., 1996.
  • Most victims of rape do not report to the police, the reason for not reporting is as follows: 23.3% personal matter; fear of reprisal 16.3%; fear of police bias 5.8%. Bureau of Justice Statistics. Rape and Sexual Assault, August 2002.
  • When the offender was a prior or current intimate partner 77% of the completed rapes where not reported to the police. When the offender was a friend or acquaintance, 61% of completed rapes were not reported. When the offenders was a stranger, 54% of completed rapes were not reported.
    Bureau of Justice Statistics. Rape and Sexual Assault, August 2002.