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Sex Offender Registry Act 1999

An Act in the Council of the District of Columbia

Codification District of Columbia Code 2000 Supp.

To establish a sex offender registration program that authorizes the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia to create and maintain the sex offender registry for the District of Columbia; to require the Superior Court to issue orders to certify a person who is a sex offender; to establish a dispute resolution procedure for persons to challenge a registration requirement; to require the Department of Corrections to notify the Agency of the potential release of a sex offender to the community or a halfway house; to require the Commission on Mental Health Services to notify the Agency of a grant of leave privileges or other change of status granted to sex offenders in its custody; to authorize the Agency to adopt procedures and requirements for the registration of sex offenders, the verification of offender registration information, the reporting of sex offender change of address and other information to certain agencies, and the maintenance and release of sex offender information; to authorize the Metropolitan Police Department to release sex offender information and notify certain agencies and persons of the location of sex offenders in the District; to provide for interagency coordination of information on sex offenders; to provide immunity to the District of Columbia and the United States and their agencies, officials, and employees with respect to actions or omissions taken pursuant to this act; to exempt non-public sex offender information from Freedom of Information Act disclosure; to impose reporting and registration requirements on sex offenders; to impose monetary and imprisonment penalties for violations of the act by sex offenders; and to repeal the Sex Offender Registration Act of 1996.

To view a printed version of the DC Official Code, visit the Martin Luther King Jr. Library at 9th and G Streets, NW, or contact them at (202) 727-1111. Versions of the DC Official Code are also available online via the links below.

Please note: Not all definitions listed in the DC Code will match the offenses described in a sex offender's conviction. This may occur because an individual was convicted in another state, or because the law under which an individual was convicted has been repealed.

In accordance with enactment of the Sex Offender Registration Act of 1999, this information is being provided to the community. Unlawful use of this information to threaten, intimidate, harass, or injure a registered sex offender is prohibited and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.