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Complete Firearms Registration Procedures

  1. Complete MPD’s Application for Firearms Registration Certificate (PD-219).
    • Download form PD-219 (, pick up a copy at MPD office, or contact MPD to request that a form be mailed to you.
    • Fill out the “Purchaser/Owner’s Name” of the form. If you are buying a new gun, the SELLER of the gun will complete Section A of the form.
    • The form must be signed by both the purchaser and seller in the presence of each other.
  2. Bring the completed PD-219 to the MPD, along with:
    • If you are purchasing a firearm, the dealer cannot release the firearm to you until you have completed this process and return with a valid registration certificate, and until 10 days after the initial date of purchase.
    • Photo identification.
    • Proof of residency in the District of Columbia (e.g., a valid DC operator’s permit, DC vehicle registration card, lease agreement for a residence in the District, the deed to your home, or other legal document showing DC residency).
    • Proof that you have met the District’s requirement for a firearms safety training course. This requirement can be met by producing:
      1. A certificate of completion for MPD’s online Firearms Safety Training Course. This course is available, free of charge and takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. If you do not have access to a computer, you may use one at the office of the Firearms Registration Branch.
      2. Evidence that you have received firearms training in the United States military.
      3. A license from another state which requires firearms training equal to that provided by MPD. Examples include, but are not limited to, a license or certificate for hunting or armed service as a special police officer.
      4. Evidence that you have otherwise completed a firearms training or safety course conducted by a firearms instructor that, as determined by the Chief, is equal to that provided by the MPD.
  3. Certify, in writing, that you are not legally blind.[1]
  4. Pay the appropriate fees (see District Government Fee Schedule below).
  5. Be fingerprinted for your background check.
  6. If you are applying for a business bring a business license and proof of occupancy.


MPD will notify you once the application is approved.

  1. If you are registering a firearm that you already own, your registration process is complete. You can pick up your registration certificate or request that it be mailed to you.
  2. If you are registering a firearm that you have just purchased, your registration process is complete, and MPD will contact you to schedule an appointment to retrieve the firearm.

District Government Fee Schedule

  • Application for registration: $13
  • Fingerprinting / FBI Background Check: $35
  • Concealed Carry Pistol License: $75

Fees must be paid at the time of application, and can be paid only by cash, debit, or credit card (Visa/Mastercard).


[1] Pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 7-1009(1), the term "blind person" means, and the term "blind" refers to, a person who is totally blind, has impaired vision of not more than 20/200 visual acuity in the better eye and for whom vision cannot be improved to better than 20/200, or who has loss of vision due wholly or in part to impairment of field vision or to other factors which affect the usefulness of vision to a like degree. Pursuant to DC Municipal Regulations § 24-2310.5, if MPD determines there are reasonable grounds to believe that the certification is not accurate, MPD may require the applicant to obtain a certification from a licensed optometrist that the applicant meets the vision requirement.

[2] In accordance with D.C. Official Code § 7–2504.10, the District may charge a fee to recover the cost of acting as a federal firearms licensee pursuant to subsection (a) of this section by charging $125 for each handgun.