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Cooperative Agreement: Amtrak and MPDC

A. Definitions

  1. "The Agency" means Amtrak.
  2. "MPD" means Metropolitan Police Department.
  3. "Jurisdiction" means the area described in Part B.

B. Jurisdiction

The Agency may assist the MPD in carrying out crime prevention and law enforcement activities by sending personnel of the Agency on patrol with the power to arrest in the following area of the District of Columbia that immediately surrounds the area of the agency's jurisdiction, that is,

  1. the area inside the following boundary that surrounds Amtrak's jurisdiction: First Street, NE, between New York Avenue, NE, and Massachusetts Avenue, NE; the three lanes of traffic in front of Union Station running between First Street, NE, and F Street, NE; Second Street, NE, between F Street, NE, and L Street, NE; L Street, NE, between Second Street, NE, and Third Street, NE; Third Street, NE, between L Street, NE, and New York Avenue, NE;
  2. the north side of New York Avenue, NE, between First Street, NE, and Third Street, NE, at the southern boundary of Amtrak's property at New York Avenue, NE, and then along the southern boundary to Brentwood Parkway, NE;
  3. the area north of New York Avenue, NE, at Third Street, NE, between Third Street, NE, and South Dakota Avenue, NE, which is adjacent to the southern boundary of Amtrak's jurisdiction;
  4. the area inside the following boundary that is not already within Amtrak's jurisdiction: Brentwood Parkway, NE, at New York Avenue, NE, to Ninth Street, NE, to Brentwood Road, NE, to W Street, NE; W Street, NE, between Brentwood Road, NE, and Montana Avenue, NE; Montana Avenue, NE, between W Street, NE, and the southern boundary of Amtrak's jurisdiction at Montana Avenue, NE;
  5. the area south of New York Avenue, NE, between South Dakota Avenue, NE, and the Anacostia River, which is adjacent to the northern boundary of Amtrak's jurisdiction.

Unless otherwise noted, the jurisdiction shall include both sides of each street named. The jurisdiction does not include Columbus Plaza, NE, which is federal parkland. The jurisdiction is depicted by the green line superimposed on the Amtrak's Expanded Jurisdiction Boundary aerial photograph.

C. Reports and Records

  1. Reporting Forms
    1. The Agency will adopt MPD reporting forms for its use in reporting arrests occurring in the jurisdiction. In addition, the Agency may prepare reports using its own forms.
    2. The Agency will utilize MPD central complaint numbers on all arrests in the jurisdiction.
    3. The Agency will be responsible for making such notifications as are required by MPD general orders in preparing reports.
  2. Report Processing
    1. All MPD arrest reports processed by Agency also will be processed at MPD Central Records.
  3. Records Access
    1. Members of the Agency will have access to all MPD records that are necessary for the Agency to fulfill its responsibilities for the event in which it is involved. However, this does not include access to records or documents created or maintained by the MPD Office of Internal Affairs. Likewise, and when necessary, the records maintained by the Agency will be available to members of the MPD.

D. Arrests

  1. Arrest Authority
    1. Within the jurisdiction, the Agency officers shall possess the same powers of arrest as the MPD officers.
  2. Arrest Procedures
    1. The MPD shall provide to the Agency:
      1. support services such as fingerprinting and photographing prisoners;
      2. detention and confinement facilities for all prisoners;
      3. prisoner transportation services, upon request, for the purposes of on-scene viewing, booking, and processing through the courts; and
      4. medical treatment and/or hospitalization for prisoners in accordance with the procedures outlined in General Order 502-7 (Medical Treatment and Hospitalization for Prisoners).
    2. MPD station personnel shall accept and process collateral according to department procedures.
    3. It shall be the responsibility of the MPD station clerk to arrange for the release of persons arrested by officers of the Agency, if the arrested person qualifies for release under the provisions of the Citation Release Program.
    4. The Agency officer who made the apprehension will be listed as the arresting officer and will be responsible for preparation of all required reports.
  3. Property and Evidence
    1. The MPD will retain and process all prisoner's property resulting from arrests by Agency members.
    2. The MPD will provide services to the Agency for crime scene searches, evidence collection and identification, ballistics testing and examination, chemical testing, and narcotics testing. The MPD will retain evidence for presentation in court.
    3. As necessary, members of the MPD will provide expert or supportive court testimony in Agency court cases.

E. Appearing in Court

The Agency will establish its own procedures for checking in and out of court but will use the facilities of the Court Liaison Branch. It will be the responsibility of Agency officers to obtain from the Identification and Records Division such records as are necessary to prosecute cases in court.

F. Investigations

  1. The Agency will take appropriate police action to preserve the crime scene until the MPD responds. The MPD will determine who will take the lead in the investigations. If the MPD asks the Agency to take the lead in the investigation, the Agency may decline to do so, in which case, the MPD shall take the lead in the investigation.
  2. If the MPD takes the lead in the investigation, the Agency will provide information necessary for MPD to conduct the investigation.
  3. The Chief of the MPD has found that misconduct by Agency officers should not be covered by the Citizen Complaint Review Board because of the attached certification from an appropriate representative of the Agency.
  4. Use of force investigations and investigations of complaints about the Agency officers shall be handled by the Agency.

G. Warrants

Members of the Agency must coordinate with MPD, and may not act unilaterally, when applying for or executing search or arrest warrants related to their authority in the jurisdiction.

H. Handling Juveniles

  1. Agency officers who either arrest or contact juveniles shall follow MPD General Orders. Upon request by Agency officers, the MPD will provide transportation services.
  2. The Agency is responsible for ensuring that its officers understand the sensitive nature of juvenile processing and the need to protect against unwarranted disclosure of juvenile records.

I. Traffic and Towing

  1. The Agency shall be responsible for prosecution of traffic tickets issued by its officers, including appearances before Bureau of Traffic Adjudication and/or the Superior Court.
  2. The towing of non-evidentiary vehicles remains the responsibility of the Agency.

J. Notification

The public information program established by the "Federal Law Enforcement Officer Cooperation Act of 1999," see DC Law 13-100, 47 DC Reg. 74 (2-11-2000), shall be supplemented as determined by MPD.

K. Liability

The MPD and Agency understand that there are no special relationships created or third party beneficiaries established. Each agency retains all of its rights, privileges, immunities, and defenses provided under law. Furthermore, each agency is responsible for any and all liabilities and costs that arise as a result of the actions of their respective employees. Nothing in this letter shall be construed to create an agency relationship between the MPD and Agency.

L. Training on the District of Columbia Code

An agency officer will be authorized to begin patrols in the jurisdiction pursuant to this agreement only after the MPD Institute of Police Science has certified that the agency officer has received the training on the District of Columbia Code that is required by the MPD.

M. Effective Date

This Cooperative Agreement shall take effect on the date of execution by both parties and shall remain in effect until terminated by either party. Either party may terminate this Cooperative Agreement by providing 30 days written notice to the other agency.

(Signed October 4, 2000)
Ernest R. Frazier, Sr., Esq.
Chief of Amtrak Police Department
Vice President Operations and Police Services
15 South Poplar Street
Wilmington, DE 19801

(Signed October 4, 2000)
Charles H. Ramsey
Chief of Police
Metropolitan Police Department
300 Indiana Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20001


Pursuant to section F.3 of the Cooperative Agreement between Amtrak and the Metropolitan Police Department, I hereby certify that I have provided the MPD with:

  • The syllabus for the "Mixed Basic Police Training Program (October 1998)" presented by the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) to Amtrak police officers
  • Patrol Guide for the Amtrak Police Department revised as of January 1999 (Directives 1-1 through 7-1)
  • Standard Operating Procedure of the Amtrak Police Department on Firearms, effective 07/01/95 (11 pages)
  • Standard Operating Procedure of the Amtrak Police Department on Office of Professional Services effective 07/01/95 (8 pages)

October 4, 2000

Ernest R. Frazier, Sr., Esq.
Chief of Amtrak Police Department
Vice President Operations and Police Services
15 South Poplar Street
Wilmington, DE 19801