The Police Coordination Act covers the following 32 federal law enforcement agencies:
- 11th Security Police Squadron, Bolling Air Force Base
- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF)
- Amtrak Police Department
- Criminal Investigation Division, Internal Revenue Service
- Defense Protective Services, Department of Defense Washington Headquarters Services
- Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
- Bureau of Engraving and Printing Police Force
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- Federal Protective Service, Department of Homeland Security
- Government Printing Office Police
- US Immigration and Customs Enforcement
- Library of Congress Police
- Marine Corps Law Enforcement
- National Zoological Park Police
- Department of the Navy Police Division, Naval District Washington
- Naval Criminal Investigative Service
- Postal Inspection Service, United States Postal Service
- Office of Protective Services, National Gallery of Art
- Office of Protective Services, Smithsonian Institution
- Department of Protective Services, United States Holocaust Museum
- Department of State Diplomatic Security
- Supreme Court Police
- United States Army Criminal Investigative Command, Department of the Army Washington District, 3rd Military Police Group
- United States Army Military District of Washington
- United States Capitol Police
- United States Coast Guard
- United States Customs Service
- United States Marshals Service
- United States Park Police
- United States Postal Police
- United States Secret Service
- United States Secret Service Uniformed Division