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Cooperative Agreements

The Metropolitan Police Department receives crime prevention and law enforcement assistance from 32 federal law enforcement agencies specified in the 1997 Police Coordination Act, which is part of the National Capital Revitalization and Self-Government Improvement Act. Coordinated in advance with the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, the cooperative agreements expand the area of jurisdiction to which the federal agencies may send sworn personnel on patrol with the power to arrest. Each agreement identifies the specific street boundaries that define the expanded jurisdiction. MPDC is responsible for informing the public about these cooperative agreements.

Public Law 105-33 Title XI (August 5, 1997) states:

Each covered federal law enforcement agency may enter into a cooperative agreement with the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia to assist the Department in carrying out crime prevention and law enforcement activities in the District of Columbia.

Agreement Content Examples

The MPDC and specified federal law enforcement agencies may enter into agreements that:

  • Send personnel of the agency on patrol in areas of the District of Columbia that immediately surround the area of the agency's jurisdiction, and grant personnel of the agency the power to arrest in such areas
  • Share and donate equipment and supplies with the Metropolitan Police Department
  • Operate on shared radio frequencies with the Metropolitan Police Department
  • Permit personnel of the agency to process and paper suspects they arrest in the District of Columbia
  • Include such other items as the agency and the Metropolitan Police Department see fit

Cooperative Agreements

The purpose of this agreement is to implement the provisions of 4 DC Code § 192 entitled "Cooperative Agreements Between Federal Agencies and Metropolitan Police Department" and the provisions of the "Federal Law Enforcement Officer Cooperation Act of 1999," see DC Law 13-100, 47 DC Reg. 74 (2-11-2000).

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