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Get a Permit for a Special Event

Each year hundreds of special events are held in the District of Columbia. Residents and organizations planning a special event are required to obtain permits to hold special events in DC. The following forms and links are provided here to simplify the application process. After completing a form, please mail it to the address included on the document.

Planning Special Events

The Government of the District of Columbia provides essential municipal services in support of special events to ensure events occurring on public space in the District of Columbia are conducted in a manner that protects public health and safety. Coordinating the city’s public safety planning efforts for events requiring interagency coordination is the responsibility of the Mayor’s Special Events Task Group (MSETG). Information on the MSETG can be found on the District of Columbia Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (HSEMA)'s website on its Special Events page.

Permits and Licenses

Following the Special Events Task Group meeting, agencies that issue permits and licenses for different aspects of a special event are your next priority. Read a brief overview of the agencies and their jurisdictional responsibilities.

For further information, contact:

  • District of Columbia Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (HSEMA), (202) 727-6161
  • Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, Special Events Coordinator, (202) 442-4400
  • Metropolitan Police Department, Special Events Branch, (202) 671-6522

Regulations Associated with Parades and Public Events

The following DC Municipal Regulations and DC Code regulations and statue set forth in more detail the requirements for handling first amendment assemblies and mass demonstrations:

DC Municipal Regulations

Details about First Amendment Assemblies in the District of Columbia may be found in the DC Municipal Regulations. The specific regulations are in Chapter 24-7. See:

DC Code

To view the language about First Amendment Assemblies under DC Code, either search for 5-331.01 et seq. in the DC Code or view Title 5 Chapter 3A: First Amendment Rights and  Police Standards

Engaging in an unlawful protest targeting a residence.

Per 22–2752.Engaging in an unlawful protest targeting a residence.

(a)(1) It is unlawful for a person, as part of a group of 3 or more persons, to target a residence for purposes of a demonstration:

(A) Between 10 pm and 7 am;

(B) While wearing a mask; or

(C) Without having provided the Metropolitan Police Department notification of the location and approximate time of the demonstration.

(2) The notification required by paragraph (1)(C) of this subsection shall be provided in writing to the operational unit designated for such purpose by the Chief of Police not less than 2 hours before the demonstration begins. The Metropolitan Police Department shall post on its website the e-mail and facsimile number by which the operational unit may be notified 24 hours a day, and the address to which notification may be hand delivered, as an alternative, during business hours.

Contact Information

During Normal Business Hours: Monday-Friday (excluding holidays) from 8am-4pm

Special Operations Division
2850 New York Avenue, NE
(202) 671-6511
Email: [email protected]

After Normal Business Hours

Metropolitan Police Department
Command Information Center
(202) 727-9099
Fax: (202) 727-4106


Service Contact: 
MPD, Special Events Branch
Contact Phone: 
(202) 671-6522
Contact TTY: